Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You are who you are for a reason!

Hi! I'm Chrissy. You know me, right!

Why else would you be reading this?

Really, why else? I'm curious.

Here are some things you may or may not know about me:

My name is Chrissy Langley

My legal name is Christina Michelle Langley

My birth name is Christina Michelle Parr

I was supposed to be a boy.

And be named Christopher Michael Parr

Good thing I am adaptable.

12 is my favorite number

1 + 2 = 3

I have three children

Madilyn Nicole (Nicole after Donny's sister)

Colin McClain (McClain after Donny and his Dad)

Philip Michael (Michael after my dad)

The letters M, N and L are my favorite letters.

They represent the ups and downs that are my life.

Can you count how many M, N, and L's are in their names combined?

If you counted 12, you would be correct.

Wait, it gets better.

As a kid, did you ever try to come up with a saying or phrase to match your initials?

My initials were CMP.

The only thing I ever came up with was Colgate Maximum Protection.

You would have thought I had nice cavity-free teeth.

Not the case.

Ask my mother.

Or Dr. Boone.

I kept all 8 of his kids in Guess jeans.

I recently discovered what my initials stand for

CMPL - Christina Michelle Parr Langley

Colin Madilyn Philip Langley

Told you

They are who they are for a reason.

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