He couldn't wait to open his presents - literally, he would not wait. As soon as he saw them, he started ripping into them and would not stop, even though no one was ready. But he was, and to him, that was all that mattered. I somehow managed to get him to stop long enough to pose for me.
And the present he has been waiting for most
The MONSTER Truck. I'll have to share the story of the monster truck another time. It is the perfect example of the type of mom I am. Just wait for it!
After all the presents were revealed, we surprised Philip and took him to the circus. Can you believe that Philip's Arena was packed out just for my boy, on his special day, and that the Greatest Show on Earth was put on just for him! Thanks Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey for making Philip's birthday so memorable!
Philip's favorite part was the elephants, oh, and the cotton candy.
I loved the sugar lips he got from eating all that cotton candy. How cute is that kid!!
After all the hoopla, we made our way just in time to finish the day off with some birthday cake. Philip picked out the tractor cake, and he was so excited to blow out the candles and have a big piece of tire!
I wonder what a four-year old wishes for when he blows out candles. Whatever it was, I hope all your wishes come true, Philip! Happy Birthday Boy! I love you!
Happy Birthday, Phillip. What a fun day. I love birthday's.
We love you Philip and wish you a very good birthday. Happy Birthday
Love the Arroyo family (dictated by Anna Reese)
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