I have been wanting to start this since the beginning of the year, so better late than never right? I decided that since I am so new to blogging and we have so many great memories that I have not been able to share, ever so often I will do a post about a memory from around that date in our history. First I started out thinking of doing it on Friday, and calling it "Flashback Friday" - Too Generic, then I thought about doing it on Sunday, and calling it "A Sunday Stroll", you know, like a stroll down memory lane - Too Vague. So I finally settled on "A Monday Memory". So, now and then on Mondays, I will find a memory to share with you from our life. Who knows, it could even include you sometime, since most of the people who read my blog regularly have been a part of my life for many years!
So, this week I decided to share the memory of Madilyn's Baptism. Madilyn was baptized on January 20, 2007. It is hard to believe it has been two years since then. The weekend we baptized her was very busy, hectic, stressful, and memorable. Here is a little about the big day:
Madilyn was baptized by her dad, Donny at the Sharpsburg Ward chapel in Newnan, GA.
Madilyn was blessed to have both sets of her grandparents come. My parents came from Southaven, MS and Donny's parents came from Linden, AL
My sister and her family came over from Hattiesburg, MS. How many kids can say that all of their cousins were at their baptism. It's time like that you realize how small your family is, and how grateful you are for each of them.
Philip was there, but due to his early entry into terrible two-dum, he was being just that all night, a terrible two year old. So, no pictures with Philip, or me for that matter. (Note to self: Designate someone else to be the photographer at important events!) It was a beautiful baptism, and Madilyn looked like an angel in her baptismal dress. Since she is my only daughter, hopefully I will get to see her daughter wear the dress I made for her mother when she was turning eight years old.
Now on to the fun stuff. It's weekends like this that you realize, No matter how big your house is, it is never big enough. Eight adults, two teenagers, and 5 children all crammed into our house. Let's just say we were cozy! And, as seems to be the tradition when me and my sister get together, check out our attempts to get a good picture of the cousins. This was supposed to be a pyramid, but ended up just looking like we had dump them on the floor.
And of course, you can't try to take pictures of seven kids without one of them losing it
Ah, family. What else would our memories be made of without them!
Hope you enjoyed my Monday Memory. Until next time. . .