Monday, November 16, 2009


Hard to believe that after 7 long months, the end is finally here.

It feels like just yesterday that we found out, but yet I can't remember what it felt like to not know the end was near.

Hard to believe a few short weeks ago this place was a thriving warehouse, filled with long-time employees doing the job they had been doing for year after year after year. Now they are all gone. Some have been lucky, and already found new jobs. Some are still searching. Some are taking some time for themselves.

The building has been quiet for the past month. I have only been working a few hours each week. After next week, it will all be over. The Atlanta Rite-Aid Distribution Center will officially be closed, forever.

The halls are empty.

The warehouse is empty

Everything is gone.

Many economists say that our economy will go through an economic crisis every seven-eight years, and that at times it is even necessary, essential, and a positive thing. Let me tell you, there is nothing positive about watching your friends and coworkers walk away from the jobs they have had their entire adult life. There is nothing positive about seeing them hug, cry and say goodbye to the people they have worked along side by side for 20-30+ years. It is heart-wrenching. I don't care if I live long enough to see this "cycle of economic downturn" transpire a dozen more times in my life, I will never forget this recession and this time in our country's history, because I witnessed first hand the devastating effect it has had on so many people's lives.

As for me personally, I have mixed emotions about the whole thing. I will miss working. I enjoyed my job. I was good at it. But right now I need to be at home. I need to enjoy that part of my life more. Working full-time is so hard when you are also a full-time mother. The two clash in so many ways. And we have been blessed beyond measure that we are finally at a place financially where I don't HAVE to work anymore. Next fall, after the kids start back to school, I will most likely try to find something part-time, just to keep me busy so I don't go crazy.

But for now, after next week, I will no longer be employed. That feels weird to say. But the time is here. My hope and prayers are with all those that have lost their jobs, that they find the perfect new job for them, that they will be able to get through this difficult time, that they will not suffer financially. May God bless them and give them peace, for they were good people, and deserve his blessings and the peace that only He can give them.

Good-Bye Rite-Aid.

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